5 Reason Why Window Boxes Are Important
All of us know the primary function of product packaging is to provide the product with a protective covering that keeps it safe in all stages of shipping and retail display. However, if you think product packaging only needs to do this, you are under-utilizing it. Because attractive and unique product packaging can become your biggest selling point. In this day and age businesses compete to use all kinds of beautiful packaging for their products. However, some packaging staples never get old and are utilized by all types of businesses. One such staple is the die cut window box.
A die cut window box is a packaging box that has a window cut out of it. This allows the product to be on display. If you have been considering a window box for your product, let's see how it can provide value to your product.

Benefits of Window Boxes
1. Give a Glimpse of Your Product
When your product ends up on the retail shelf, it needs to be displayed so people can see the actual product before buying it. However, some products may be damaged if they are physically unboxed to put on display. Window boxes provide an ideal solution to these. For example, if you sell stationery sets, or perfume sets, having a window box will display all the contents inside without the need to display each element of the set individually. This is beneficial from a logistic point of view, as well as for practical purposes.

2. Provide an Attractive Retail Display
Window boxes are cute enough to provide an attractive retail display on their own. They stand out in the aisles because of their unique packaging. And something is tempting about the window that causes people to stop by and peek inside!

3. Allow Users to Touch or Smell the Product
Usually, window boxes come with covered windows. However, these die cut windows can be made without a cover as well. Having no covers will give the customers great access to the product. Not only can they see it, but they can touch and smell it too. For example, if you sell soaps, having a window box that allows you to feel and smell the soap can be a subtle way of advertisement.

4. The Window Shapes Can Be Unique, Gives a Special Aesthetical Value
If you think the window boxes need to have rectangular or square windows, you are wrong. The great thing about these boxes is the room for experimentation and creativity. You can have any types of windows you want, in the shapes and sizes of your choice. For example, if you want a circular window or a flower shaped window, that is entirely possible. The windows can also be designed to have a peek-a-boo effect where they don't allow you to see the whole product but give you glimpses of it.

5. Can be Used For a Wide Variety of Products
These boxes are fit for all types of products. Whether you sell bakery items, toys, stationery, apparel, gifts, decorative items or anything else. They can also be made in the material of your choice. The Custom Boxes is one such company that provides customized window boxes. Get window boxes made by The Custom Boxes; you will have full control over the personalization of the box. Whether you want to add acrylic windows or frosted windows, whether you want to add patterns or embossed details or foiling, The Custom Boxes can do everything. So utilize the power of attractive packaging for the benefit of your business!